Since Kurt Cobain left this world way to early, his death is surrounded in complete mystery and secrecy. Files and evidence were witheld for the public for years. But now, the FBI officials have released a 10-page file containing letters from the public, pleading for an investigation in the mysterious death of Kurt Cobain, the Nirvana frontman.
The three correspondence—dated 1997, 2003 and 2006—cite speculative TV documentaries and books on the death of the singer, who died of an heroin overdose in mysterious circumstances age 27, on April 5, 1994.
Although the files don't contain new information, they are still very interesting. Mostly because the Seattle police couldn't exclude murder. Some of them saw the suspicious case rather as a murder then a suicide. The centerpieces are two letters, sent from names that have been redacted, urging the Bureau to investigate Cobain’s 1994 death as a murder, rather than suicide. “Millions of fans around the world would like to see the inconsistencies surrounding his death cleared up once and for all,” reads one, typed-out, from September 2003.
The other letter, also from a blocked author but written by hand, dates from 2007. “The police who took up the case were never very serious in investigating it as a murder but from the beginning insisted on it being a suicide,” it reads in part. “This bothers me the most because his killer is still out there. …” The writer also cites so-called evidence (“there were no prints on the gun he supposedly shot himself with”) and claims that, in Cobain’s note, “he mentioned nothing about wanting to die except for the part of it that was in another handwriting and appeared to be added at the end.”
The FBI’s responses to the letters, sent from different officials at the Bureau but nearly identical in wording, are also contained in the file. “We appreciate your concern that Mr. Cobain may have been the victim of a homicide,” each reads. “However, most homicide investigations generally fall within the jurisdiction of state or local authorities.” The replies go on to say that “specific facts” about “a violation of federal law” would have to be presented for the Bureau to pursue, but based on these letters, “we are unable to identify any violation of federal law within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.” With that, the Bureau said it would be passing on pursuing any investigation.
Even stranger, the released pages also include portions of a January 1997 fax sent to the Los Angeles and D.C. offices of the FBI (as well as to several NBC executives) from Cosgrove/Meurer Productions, the Los Angeles documentary company that’s home to the long-running Unsolved Mysteries series. Those released pages include a one-paragraph summation of theories about the case involving “Tom Grant, a Los Angeles-based private investigator and former L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy,” and his suspicions that the suicide ruling was “a rush to judgment.” The fact sheet claims that Grant “has found a number of inconsistencies, including questions about the alleged suicide note,” which Grant believed was “a retirement letter to Cobain’s fans.”

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