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30 Years Anniversary of His Death

Kurt Cobain

 5 April, 1994  -  5 April, 2024



"There are happy memories, but in the end it’s a tragedy. I can’t rewrite history in such a way that makes me feel good about it. Honestly, I wish Kurt would have never become famous and was still alive."

Buzz Osbourne
Kurt's friend

Something In The Way

"While the official verdict is suicide, questions persist, particularly surrounding the juxtaposition of a shotgun and traces of heroin found at the scene. How does one reconcile the presence of a powerful opioid in Cobain's system with the physical act of wielding a shotgun? This incongruity has led many to ponder alternative explanations and consider whether foul play may have been involved?


Andeavors to dissect these perplexing details, scrutinizing the evidence with an unflinching gaze. Could there be hidden truths obscured by the haze of speculation? Join us as we navigate the news and the lies  surrounding Kurt Cobain's tragic death

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The Murder of Kurt Cobain​

Without any investigation, without any results from the toxicology results, the police decided within 52 minutes that Kurt Cobain had committed 'suicide'. The entire 'suicide' story was fully copied by the media and only based on Courtney's lying words. The words of a narcissist. The media took over her side of the story completely without thinking or doing any independent research. Courtney Love's handwriting was on the note found next to Kurt's body, evidence, that was always ignored. Kurt had three times the lethal dose of heroin in his system when he was found. And Courtney was always obsessed with money.

Kurt couldn't have picked up that gun and shoot himself

The evidence points to a whole different scenario. 

That of murder


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The Cobain Timeline

Timeline with recored conversations before and after the murder of Kurt Cobain.


Courtney’s motives for possible involvement in Cobain’s death...

• She’d get more money from a suicide than from a divorce.

With a suicide, Courtney Love would inherit and control the Cobain (Nirvana) estate. If Kurt divorced her, she’d have a pre-nuptial agreement to deal with...


• Kurt’s record sales would increase, leaving Courtney with even more income. Kurt’s death and the publicity it was generating, would help Courtney's career.

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"Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'Nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock".

Kurt Cobain

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