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(20) Did Courtney Love Kill Kurt Cobain?

Writer's picture: Burn The RainBurn The Rain

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

Yes, she did. No question about it. Courtney Love is a psychopath. She killed Cobain because he was about to divorce her and she would have lost EVERYTHING then but as his widow she inherited EVERYTHING. If Kurt Cobain had not died he would have no doubt divorced Courtney Love and she would have got nothing but a small settlement according to their prenuptial agreement which she demanded because at the time of their marriage she had more money than he did. According to Cobain ‘s attorney Rosemary Carroll Cobain was in the process of divorcing Love and taking her out of his will. The main reason Cobain declined the Lolapolooza concerts , which would have made him 9 million $ , was because he no longer wanted her to have access to his own money, which was all she cared about. Thus , Courtney was livid. Love tried to have their prenuptial agreement voided and the only way she could have achieved that was if she had caught him cheating on her, hence she hired a PI , named Tom Grant, to find her supposedly ‘’missing ‘’ husband , who she was suspecting was cheating on her with her bass player, Kirsten Pfaff, who like Cobain, was found dead within 2 months, under mysterious and similar circumstances.

Kurt adored Kirsten, who , unlike Courtney Love , was actually talented and she got raving reviews for doing Love’s back up vocals for her album Live Through This , which was released one week after Cobain’s death, at which point Pfaff left Hole , stopped doing drugs and returned to her hometown Minneapolis. Pfaff hated Seattle and the only reason she came back in June 1994 was to pack up the rest of her things and return to Minneapolis for good. She had no intention of ever going back to Seattle and needless to say Hole , no matter how successful their album might have turned out to be. She had completed a drug rehab program, she was clean, she had rekindled her relationship with her former band members of Janitor Joe and she was about to go on tour with them and bring her mother along. Why relapse and overdose?

Courtney Love, who was obsessed with the idea that her husband was cheating on her, knew that Cobain had bought two plane tickets and she was suspecting the other ticket was for Pfaff, who Love terrorized by telling her ‘’ you fuck my guitarist, constantly making eyes on my husband and now you are going to tell me how to sing? Back off or you will regret it forever’’. In addition , Courtney Love would have lost her record contract with Geffen Records, which she only secured because she was married to Cobain, and her ‘’career’’ would have tanked, if Cobain had divorced her. Any success at all Courtney Love, who has always been obsessed with fame, might have had was through Cobain. Love has zero talent. Most likely her album Live Through This was written by Cobain, who was also hated by Hole’s guitar player and Pfaff’s ex boyfriend Eric Erlandson , because Love left him for Cobain , who was by far a better musician than Erlandson would ever aspire to be and Kirsten Pfaff was also leaving him for Cobain , who was leaving Courtney Love for Pfaff. Erlandson was the last person to have seen Pfaff alive, whose death was dismissed as ‘’accidental drug overdose’’ and was thus never properly investigated. Both late Cobain ‘s and Pfaff’s autopsy reports were conducted by Dr Nicholas Hawthorne, who incidentally was also an ex lover of Courtney Love’s. They never performed a toxicology report on Pfaff. Kristen’s full autopsy report was never released to the public. It has been 24 years since her death.

In December 1994, Courtney Love gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine, which was just all the more confusing and did not make much sense. She stated “I had to go over there and get Eric away from the body. Kristen had been his lover for a really long time. He’d already broken down the bathroom door after bathroom door for her.” Although, it wasn’t Eric Erlandson that found Kristen; it was friend Paul Erickson. Additionally, the initial police report from the scene does not mention Courtney’s presence at all. Love made this statement to Rolling Stone which clearly incriminates her only months after Pfaff’s death. Add to that that pages from Pfaff’s journal , which had been confiscated by the SPD and later returned to her mother, especially those during the week Kurt was missing and after Kurt’s death, which Pfaff said broke her heart, had been ripped out. Both Cobain and Pfaff died while they were separating themselves from Courtney Love. Who tore those pages out from late Kirsten’s journal out and why?

Tom Grant, the PI Love hired to find her ‘’missing’’ husband, suspected from the very beginning that she was not truthful and unbeknownst to Love he recorded on tape their conversations. Grant caught Love lying to him on several occasions. One of her lies was that Cobain used to stay in fancy hotels. Cobain was in Seattle the whole time where Love’s sidekicks Michael ‘’Cali’’ DeWitt , Dylan Carlson and Jessica Hopper were also staying at the time YET they did NOT let Courtney Love, who was supposedly worried sick about Cobain, know of her ‘’depressed’’ and ‘’suicidal’’ husband ‘s whereabouts? They did not even hear the gunshot? And Love who stayed at the Peninsula Hotel at the time was NOT accepting calls? Of course , the narrative that Cobain was suicidal and depressed was fed to the media by Love herself. Dylan Carlson, who purchased the shot gun with which Cobain allegedly shot himself has adamantly denied that Cobain was depressed and thus bought the gun to kill himself and insisted that he only bought that gun for him for protection because there had been a burglary at the Seattle house and Cobain was scared. However, he changed his tone later and expressed his firm belief that Cobain had killed himself. Of course , the fact that Love paid for Dylan Carlson's house rent for years may have had something to do with it. The Rome ‘’suicide’’ was no suicide at all. It was most likely a murder attempt, she poisoned Cobain with alcohol and Rophygnol, the rape drug she was addicted to and called 911 hoping however that Cobain was not going to make it. But he did and the doctor who treated him then denied that Cobain had 60 pills in his stomach. Under the instruction’s of a crooked Detective she was an informant for by the name Terry, Love burned the ‘’suicide’’ note Cobain had allegedly left then , because it was clearly written by her , thus it incriminated her. However, days before Cobain was actually found dead with a suicide note next to him , which was a complete forgery, she had tried to master his handwriting , which she was practicing on sheets found in her handbag by her attorney Rosemary Carroll, who unsurprisingly stopped representing Love at any capacity after Cobain ‘s death.

Jessica Hopper left the Seattle House one day after Kurt died , not before she threw up first, and Love gave DeWitt , who was also her ex lover, $ 35000 to go to rehab in Arizona. Carroll immediately suspected that Kurt did not kill himself , that the suicide note was fake and that Clarson‘s claim that he didn’t know there was a green house in the Seattle Property, where Cobain lay dead since at least 05 April 1994 , was false. So Dylan was supposedly trying to find Cobain who was in his house the whole time YET the only place he didn’t look for him was the place he was actually at and he falsely claimed he didn’t know it even existed. Clarson was the one who told Love that Cobain thought that Pfaff was ‘’ Extremely talented and she has a beautiful soul but don ’t tell Courtney I said that because there will be Hell’’.

Carlson was supposedly Kurt’s best friend and best man at his wedding with Love in Hawaii, he was a heavily addicted heroin user and also had a rock band which unlike Nirvana was not at all successful. He was most likely jealous of Cobain. Carroll on the other hand was most likely silenced by Cobain‘s management team and was fearful of Love ‘s retaliation had she spoken against her. Carlson was supposedly looking for Cobain yet he didn’t look at the green house, yet, Love just happened by a mere coincidence to hire on 8 April 1994 an electrician named Gary Smith to supposedly install a security system at the green house where late Cobain allegedly killed himself on 5 April 1994, and Gary Smith did not call the Police, upon finding Cobain ‘s dead body, instead he called a local radio station first, implicating thus the media and creating mayhem at the crime scene, where hundreds of Nirvana fans flocked on the spot and the Police actually allowed Love to give away her late husband’s clothes to his fans, instead of taking them for forensic analysis right then and there? And the Seattle Police Department dismissed the case as ‘’textbook suicide" and within 52 minutes? Without any investigation, purely judged on what they saw and heard from Courtney, who was in control over everything Kurt owned. They didn’t even wait for the toxicology reports results to come out which clearly proved that Cobain could not have possibly killed himself given the amount of heroin in his system which would have incapacitated him in seconds, unable to pick up a shot gun and shoot himself, instead the heroin would have killed him instantly, at best, left him comatose? And why did Love lie that Cobain‘s face was so distorted beyond recognition and that he was identified only by his fingerprints when in fact it wasn't, on the contrary he was recognized even by Police officers who didn’t even know him? If he had been killed by the gun shot his face would have been destroyed, it would have exploded, in fact, which was not the case because he had no blood pressure by the time he was shot, hence the absence of blood, which means that Kurt was already dead when he was shot. The dose alone killed him, thus he did not shoot himself, hence there were zero fingerprints on either the gun or the pen with which he supposedly wrote the 'suicide note', that reads more like a goodbye to his fans. The note was most likely a page taken from his journal and it never implied any suicide mode at all, except for the last 4 lines, the handwriting of which was entirely different from the rest of the note. Because it was not written by Cobain himself, but by Courtney. Who had the note (that was written on a place mat) in her possession as she went to the IHOP (American Pancake restaurant) and took the place mat with her home. And since there are no fingerprints on the gun there is a saying 'Dead People Don ’t Wipe Out Their Fingerprints'. Why weren’t any of those who saw Kurt alive for the last time: Dylan Carlson, Cali DeWitt, Jesicca Hopper and Eric Erlandson, never questioned? Let alone properly interrogated by the SPD?

Love had Cobain cremated within 4 days after his death, though he had never requested a cremation. She deliberately destroyed any evidence that might have indicated there was foul play in Cobain ‘s death as though all the above are not enough to raise red flags and eyebrows about how Cobain died. Needless to say, she didn’t cancel her tour with her band, she displayed zero emotion for either Kurt or Kirsten’s losses, except the crocodile tears she cried at the Barbra Walters interview.

Eldon Hoke, aka El Duce, the Mentors’ drummer and vocalist actually came out in 1997 and said that Courtney Love offered him $ 50.000 to murder Cobain and make it look like a suicide. Not only did he make that statement to Broomfield for his doc Kurt and Courtney, the release of which Love unsurprisingly fought to be not released, but El Duce also passed two Polygraph tests with impressive accuracy. He scored 95%. EL Duce talked about Allen Wrench and that it was him that did the job. 'Coincidentally' (but I don't believe in coincidences) was run over by a train in Los Angeles, after he was picked up by Allen Wrech, and El Duce was last seen with Allen Wrench on April 21st 1997. After Duce blatantly called Love the mastermind of Cobain‘s murder and named Allen Wrench as Cobain‘s assassin. Allen Wrench, who was always a broke drunk and a gun nut, found himself with a lot of money, a new expensive house and a fancy car, shortly after Cobain‘s death. Where did he find that money I wonder? And why did he admit to Ian Halperin and Max Wallace that he killed both Cobain and El Duce but he would never be either charged or convicted for either murder? Coincidentally, the last person Eldon Hoke was seen with was Allen Wright. How many coincidences are too many? Courtney Love’s own father has publicly stated that his son in law Kurt Cobain was murdered and that Love was involved in his death. He claims that Love has sociopathic traits and that her motive for killing Cobain was his money. The reason Hank Harrison, Love’s father, has spoken so openly against his own daughter is because she tried to have him murdered too. Prior to Cobain, she stepped out of a limo, high as a kite , and asked El Duce to take out her old man. Upon Cobain ‘s death Courtney and their daughter was the sole beneficiary to his Estate. Love has shown little if any respect at all towards her late husband’s legacy and memory and it seems she has no emotion about Kurt's death. She was already happy and smiling and giving interviews 5 months after his death!!! She has tried to exploit his likeness financially in every single possible way, which has angered and disappointed but I am sure not the least taken by surprise the surviving members of Nirvana, Dave Grohl and Christ Novoselic.

Hank Harrison, Courtney's dad has stated about Courtney Love:

You can ’t go around killing gifted people like Kurt just so you can pay for your own mediocre film and music career and then on top of that screw up my granddaughter to make it all even uglier. The shotgun was used as an after thought to make sure it was seen as a suicide because in Washington state all heroin overdoses must be investigated as possible homicides before any decision can be made. This would prolong the time for the probate decision.

Two interviews with Courtney Love in 1995. Kurt died in April 1994. That means these interviews took place at least 9 months (or more) after his dead. So the wound was pretty fresh in these interviews. If you would be a widow and you lost your husband, she says to 'suicide'.....wouldn't you be upset If the love of your life is dead, knowing he died in a brutal way?



Jan 23, 2022

this is an amazing documentation on kurt and courtney. this was much appreciated

Mar 08, 2024
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Thank you so much for your kind words. Your welcome!

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