Three generations of Kurt Cobain's family, including his daughter Frances Bean Cobain, launched a new exhibition. In 2018 in the museum of Icons, one of the world’s leading pop culture museums, Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland was an exhibition that you could visit titled ‘Growing up Kurt Cobain‘. The Cobain Family opened a World Exclusive exhibition of personal artefacts belonging to the legend – His Car, his Clothing, his Drawings, his Toys and his Art. These personal artefacts have never been seen before by the public!! And so this was very special!!! Seeing al his personal stuff, you really got to see the human side behind the artist.
Kurt Cobain's daughter Frances Bean Cobain, his sister Kim Cobain and his mother, attended the opening of 'Growing Up Kurt' exhibition featuring personal items of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain at the museum of Style Icons in Newbridge, Ireland, July 17, 2018.
Kurt Cobain had Irish roots. He talked about his roots in interviews as well. Cobain’s Irish roots are well known and celebrated within the Cobain family. Kurt believed his family originated from County Cork but it is now believed his ancestors emigrated from Carrickmore, County Tyrone, in 1875.
The family's decision to exhibit the items in Ireland came about as a result of a "chance meeting" between his sister, Kim, and the boss of Newbridge Silverware, the company that runs the museum.
Ms Brennan, the museum's curator, explained that Kim met Newbridge Silverware CEO, William Doyle, at a party in the US and got talking to him about her family's Irish roots. The businessman, who had already traced his own family tree, was able to give Kim some advice on how to research her own Irish ancestors. Mr Doyle also had a personal interest in archiving music culture - the idea for the Museum of Style Icons was born 11 years ago when he bought a little black dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in the film, Charade.
The Cobain family wanted to show the world the man they knew, as opposed to the star's public persona.
Home made video's of young Kurt Cobain - some footage are from the Growing Up expedition and is very rare!!
Museum of Style Icons - A look a round through the exhibition and Kurt's personal belongings
The exhibition includes some quirky items from the singer's past
Devouring everything Kurt related!!!

Growing up Kurt: Daughter Frances Bean, mother Wendy O’Connor and sister Kim Cobain

Kurt's Mother Wendy, his daughter Francis Bean and his sister Kim Cobain with a shirt from Kurt that was used in the Smells like Teen Spirit music video.

Francis Bean Cobain - Grunge Is Dead

Kurt used his shoes as a creative outlet.

Kurt's sunglasses

Photo's from the young Kurt Cobain

Kim and Francis Bean Cobain hugging each other at the Kurt Cobain Growing Up expedition in Ireland. Frances lived with her grandmother Wendy for years when Courtney lost custody of Francis because Courtney is a total drug addict and a psychopath. Wendy is almost a second mother for Francis.

Kurt's childhood books. Kurt was obsessed with Disney

Toys and a drawing of Kurt Cobain.

Kurt Cobain’s 1965 Powder Blue Dodge Dart on display outside Silverware, Newbridge. Ireland.

The Newbridge displays all kinds of personal belongings. Among the handwritten lyrics and notes to family members, there is a certificate that Cobain received for a childhood wrestling contest in 1974. He was honored for his "good sportsmanship and outstanding performance" by organizers who reminded young competitors it's taking part that counts.
The singer's mother "kept everything" from his childhood
Kurt Cobain Talks about Ireland and his Irish roots
The charisma of the man - he just seemed to touch so many people's lives and even though he was around in the public for such a short time, the impact that he had seems to lives on forever.
The family enjoyed exploring their Irish ancestral homeland.
The exhibition opened in Newbridge, Ireland on July 17th and ended on September 30th 2018, after that, the exhibition continued in a museum in Chile. The exhibition has been very popular.